Giving up Sins: An Easy Prescription by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh) There are many Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world who, due to various negative influences and bad elements, find themselves ‘de-railed’ from Deen. Many others sit on the fence, wanting to enjoy or benefit from both sides of the…
Submission by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh) When Ibrahim (عليه السلام) was told to submit to Allah Ta’ala, he responded that he had submitted himself to the Rabb (sustainer) of the Worlds. Some Mufassirin (commentators) say that there are approximately 18 000 worlds. Allah Ta’ala mentions this incident: ‘When his Lord said…

Why the Suffering?
Many ask the question: Why is the Ummah suffering so much, despite millions making dua throughout the world and millions making dua during Haj and Umrah? Why is there no change? The answer can be understood by way of an analogy: A son is disobedient and rebellious towards his father’s instructions and arrogant in his…

The Only Superpower
The so-called “Superpowers” of this world prove their weakness because they depend on other powers and forces for assistance. They join forces; they require coalitions, alliances, confederations, leagues and unions —which prove their dependency and need. The Only Superpower is Allah Ta’ala, who is entirely independent of His creation. He is not in need of…

The Knowledge of Allah Ta’ala
Imam Malik (rahmatullah ‘alayh) had great respect and love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and Madina Munawwarah. He once wanted to perform Nafl Hajj but feared that he might die whilst on his journey for Hajj. It was his deep-hearted desire to die in Madina Sharif. In a dream, he saw Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi…