Nemats of Allah: Islam, Qur'an, Amn & Aafiyat (security & well being), Allah conceals the sins of a person | Rights of people have to be paid back | Islam…
(Cont) Ayat: It is not only righteousness that you face east or west, what's important is the fulfilment of the Hukm (order) of Allah Ta'ala etc. Ayat of changing Qibla
Ayat: It is not only righteousness that you face east or west, what's important is the fulfilment of the Hukm (order) of Allah Ta'ala etc | Ayat of changing Qibla…
After elections are the days of delivery | Incident where Hz Umar (Rad) was checking on his governor Hz Saeed bin Aamir (Rad) & the peoples complaints of the people…
And from amongst the Signs of Allah... | He created spouses | Variations of languages and colors, etc
Sura Takathur - Rivalry in families | It must not be rivalry that diverts people from Allah Ta'ala | Our rivalry should be in good deeds | Soon you shall…
Aayah: "Whomsoever Allah decides to give hidayah, then Allah expands his chest..." ie: a Noor enters his heart, he is not deceived by this world, his heart is attached to…
Sunnah of Nikah | Nikah does not harm ones spirituality
Categories of Shaheed | Drowning } Debts of Shaheed not forgiven | If Wall falls on a person | If recite certain Duas | Defence of wealth or family |…
The harms of pride | Looking down on others | The filthy habit of men with prostitutes
Sura Duhaa | Wahi was stopped for a while | Rights of a child: Shelter, Knowledge & financial support
Advice of Fuzail bin Ayaaz (Rah): Whatever condition befalls you consider it the will of Allah
Ayat: Who's word can be better than that one who calls towards Allah Ta'ala | It's for everyone, not a group or Jamaat | And he does righteous Deeds |…
If a person is blessed with these 4 things in him then he must think he has the best of both worlds | 1. Trustworthiness |2. Truthfulness | 3. Livelihood is…
Seerah on Nabi (Sal) | The consolation of Hz Khadijah (Rad) | Allah will never disgrace you, you maintain family relationship, You carry the burden of others, you earn for…
Hadith: A person who has 4 things then he must not grieve of anything else | 1. Trustworthiness 2. Truthfulness 3. Good Character 4. Pure livelihood (Halal)
Matric results: Directions and guidelines in times of celebration and happiness | How did Nabi ﷺ celebrate in times of happiness?
Times of Fitnah | The haal (condition) of a person
What is Najaat? | Control your tongue | Find Spaciousness in Your Home | Stay at home | Cry over your sins | Comrades Marathon
We are making a joke of qurbani
What is Najaat? | Exercise full control of your tongue | Do not leave the home unnecessarily | Cry over your Sins
The lesson of Ramadaan is that Allah Ta'ala is watching us all the time. If the spiritual heart gets sick
Ramadaan is the month to refreshen our Iman. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)'s Hadith: "For a Fasting person
Jamaal (Beauty) Kamaal (Perfection) or Ihsaan (Kindness) | My Rabb ordered that I should fear Him in both public & private, that I should speak the truth in happiness and…
Ml Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (Rahimahullah) mentioned 3 words: Musarrat (Happiness), Hayrat (Surprise), and Hasrat (Shame) | The Sahabah (Radhiallahu 'anhum) showed happiness when they were 1500 in total
University of Natal (UKZN ): The responsibilities of a Muslim student in the University.
Hadith where a person wishes he was in the grave | Nikah is an Ibaadah
Nikah | Holidays | Allah wants to give us tranquility through Nikah | Sunnats of all the Ambiyaa
Great lessons from the Qurbani animal - Mubarak 10 days of Zil Hijjah
Port Shepstone:Ibaadat must carry on after Ramadan - Eg of opening the fast few mins before sunset & eg of car sent to the panel beaters
The people of Jannah will question those who are in Jahannam as to why they are there. They will answer: We never used to read Salaah, feed the poor, and…
E'tiraaf e Qusoor: acknowledgement of ones weakness - Shed tears of remorse and repent
Eg of a King giving a person to fill a basket - Aayaat at the end of Jumu'ah Khutbah - Adl, Ehsaan, etc
Musjid-e-Hilaal:Â Opening of fast a few minutes before sunset. Our Taqwa becomes so strong of that time. Lessons of the month of Ramadaan. If a person has Allah Ta'ala in his…
At Marlboro Jumu'ah Musjid Sh Abul Lay Samarqandi said that every Muslim requires 6 qualities 1. Correct Ilm - Knowledge, 2. A friend who will be a guide for him…
Greenside Musjid - Nabi (Sal) said if you guarantee me 6 six things, i guarantee you Jannah (Includes Hazraths Khutbah & Salaah) h
Mayfair Jumu'ah Musjid - Fuzail bin Ayaaz (Rah): Lessons (2) & Advices (5) - Return what due to others - Never say a person can never change - Taqdeer -…
Newtown Musjid - Ayat: The knowledge of 5 things are only with Allah
Masjid Al Hilaal: Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) about fearing Allah Ta'ala in public and private | Turning to Allah Ta'ala is our only solution.
Ibaadat on Laylatul Qadr - Seek the best of Dunya & Aakhira - What's gone is gone to the past...
Fatwa & Taqwa - Worries - Sunnat type of fast - Ibaadat of Last 10 nights
The Nafs is more dangerous than Shaitaan - Love for Allah Ta'ala
Ayat: Whoever has Taqwa, Allah will find a way out...- Allah says, fasting is for me.. - if a person has Allah.. - What kind of Fast? - Eg of…
The dua of Hazrat Ibrahim ('alayhis salaam) | Why did Allah Ta'ala use the word "banoon"? | The rights of non-Muslim parents | High treason with Allah Ta'ala | Parents…
Problems, problems , problems - Why are Muslims suffering Shah Ataullah Bukhari' dream in poetic form.. - Aaalame Ro'yaa me.. - This person crying and saying I am Islam, troubled…
Sura Falaq - Seek protection from the Jealous (Haasideen) - Spiritual sickness of Hasad (Jealousy)
Nikah | Political situation in Pakistan | Assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto | Women in leadership positions
My Allah ordered me to fear Him in both private and public life - Most complaints are about a persons private life - Speak only the truth under all conditions
Hadith of Nabi (Sal): Hasten in 5 things 1. Salaah before the time expires - 2. Taubah before death - 3. Burial of the Janaza - 4. Nikah of a…
Rijaal, True Men.. No business will divert them from the remembrance of Allah, Salaah & Zakaat
Ramadaan is for Taqwa - One way is by Joining the Pious - Imam Ghazali (Rah) said 4 ways a person can make his islaah
Many Ahaadith on Ramadaan - Resisting the temptations - Little children & fasting - 3 peoples who's duas are not rejected
The more respect we have for Ramadan, the more the Barakah we will attain | We take Ramadan for granted | Ramadan is not a burden
Sura Humazah - Destruction upon every person who back bites, slanders, degrades other people, talks badly to others - Also those have excessive love for wealth - gathers and keeps…
If you follow the principle, you will be successful - Success is not having plentiful
Hazrat Luqman (alaihis salaam) advise with regard to "lowering of gazes" Nikah makes it easy to lower gaze Nabee (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said "Nikah is my sunnat (way of life)…
JUMU'AH PROGRAMME AT VERULAM MASJID (Muharram) Day of Ashura - Hijrat - True Hijrat is giving up of sins
The day of 'Arafah | The gathering of the Sahabah at Arafah | Aayah: اَ لۡيَوۡمَ اَكۡمَلۡتُ لَـكُمۡ دِيۡنَكُمۡ وَاَ تۡمَمۡتُ عَلَيۡكُمۡ نِعۡمَتِىۡ وَرَضِيۡتُ لَـكُمُ الۡاِسۡلَامَ دِيۡنًا - "Today, I…
Nikah | Some marriages are a test for either husband or wife
Nikah - Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) declared it as his sunnat (way of life) - Nikah does not affect spirituality.
What is progress? - Hasan Basri Rahimahullah | Who is a wali? | Children are not appreciating their parents
Sunnat Method of Fasting, Salaah, Relationship, etc
God Consciousness - 30 Para Letter - Barakat
The theme of Ramadaan is TAQWA-The demand of Allah Ta'ala and Nabee(sallallahu alayhi wasallam)... He who holds firm to my sunnat in the time of fasade in the ummat will…
PART 2: Increase in CRIME
Increase in Crime - Part 1
Cont. Incident of Shaqiq Balki (Rah) and Haatim Asam (Rah) -Haatim Asam said he learnt 8 lessons in your company - 5th lesson: I saw that people place their trust…
Cont. Haatim Asam & Shaqiq Balqi (Rah) - after 33 years only 8 lessons were learnt
Nikah | The best person to ask about the Husband is the wife | The example of Khadija radhiyallahu ‘anha | Go by the book of Ihsan, and not the…
Secret Nikahs | Nikah is Ashal (easy), Ajmal (beautiful) and Akmal (complete) | Four things were the Sunnah of all the Ambiyaa ('Alayhimus salaam): Hayaa, 'Itr (perfume)...
Cont. Haatim Asam & Shaqiq Balqi (Rah) - after 33 years only 8 lessons were learnt
Haatim Asam (Rahimahullah) spent 33 years with Shaqiq Balki (Rahimahullah) & learnt only 8 things in 33 years | Every person has a love for something | Sudden death -…
Few days ago in Arafaat there was Unity of the Ummah - Reason for arguments - Division amonst brothers, parents, etc - Death (Shahaadat) in Mina during Hajj - Easiest…
Nikah | Hawa (AS) was created from the rib of Aadam (AS) | Rights
Taqwa is the purpose of fasting | Diet from Sins | The Mother of all Ramadaans
Gift of all Gifts.. Salaah - Salaah.. Me'raj of a believer - Warnings regarding Salaah
Disasters - Why are Muslims suffering? - Sura Mo'min - Letter Umar (Rad) wrote to a Sahabi (Rad) who was not seen for a while.. -
When the Ummah will indulge in 15 things(see 10th Dec for summary)
Ramadaan | Taqwa | Restraining oneself from Haraam | Taqwa is tested in businesses
6 things Nabi (Sal) said for guaranteed Jannah - Sudden death & and our skeletons - Important for Aqaaid to be correct - Safar & superstitious Beliefs
West Street - Hajees have returned - Hz Shaqiq Balqi says Shaitaan comes from all 4 sides.. - He whispers, 'How long are you going to worry about Halaal &…
We are doing the exact same actions that the previous nations were doing | We have no idea where our kids are going | An incident of a missing girl…
Cont. Sura Duha - Every Prophet (AS) and pious person did things to please Allah Ta'ala - Pleasure of Allah is not only in material things
Hazrath after By-pass - 2nd lesson: Medical doctors are constantly monitoring blood pressure, sugar, pulse, etc levels. Similarly, We should get a spiritual doctor to monitor our Taqwa levels | …
Advice after Bypass :The ummats arteries are clogged
The Purpose and Virtues of fasting | The Sunnah method of fasting | Five factors that break the fast
Muharram | Why Hijrah was chosen for the start of the Islamic Calendar
Nabi ﷺ said: "Nikah is my way of life", so it has to be easy" | Marriage did not affect Nabi ﷺ spirituality | Women's rights | Illicit relationships | …
Cont: The people of Jannah asking the people of Jahannam what led u to hell - No Salaah, Not feeding the poor - Rejecting the Day of Judgement - Actions start…
Almost the end of Ramadan - X-ray ourselves, what have we gained
We are mocking Deen in our actions - How do we make Allah ours?
Hadith of Nabi (Sal): 5 things when the Ummat will indulge in.. the results - 1. When Zina (Immorality)... await sicknesses. 2. When hold back Zakaah... Allah will hold back…
The people of Jahannam will say: We never used to read Salah, we never spent on poor... - Fortify your wealth with Zakaah, Treat your sick with Sadaqah | The…
Allah makes the Salaah & Fasting easy - Duas and the acceptance of Duas - What is happening in Afghanistan?
Imam Ghazali (R.A.)'s advice to an ex-student - The sign that Allah Ta'ala's Glance of Rahmat is diverted from a person is wasted time & useless pursuits
Seerah & Rabi-ul-Awwal - Seerah & Soorah - Hadith e Qudsi: Allah says..O my beloved Nabi (Sal).. You have been sent as glad tidings & a warner - Allah says…
Hadith-e-Qudsi (cont.) - Character of Nabi (Sallallahu-alaihi-wa-sallam)
Hadith-e-Qudsi (cont.) | Nabi ﷺ - a Warner
Purpose of Fasting (cont.) Fearing the displeasure of Allah Ta'ala
Ayat 'Fear Allah', not the fear like that of lions etc - fear the displeasure of the beloved - Love is generally because of 3 things 1. Beauty 2. Kamaal…
Nikah: No courting etc. " | Go by the book of Ihsan (kindness), and not by the book of rights
Diet from Sins - Eg of breaking the fast 3 mins before Iftaar - 'Hukam of my Allah' - Superiority complex
Recession - 4 point plan - 1. Get out of interest - 2. Live within our means - 3. Make Shukr - 4. Make Sabr
West St Musjid Explanation of Dua - Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanah.. Sufficiency, Aafiyah, Pious companion & children, Halal Rizq, ..
Ramadaan - Taqwa - Love is the Food of the Heart - Quran a guidance Muhabbat & Fear goes together
Ayat we hear at the end of the second khutbah | Adl (Justice) Most comprehensive Ayat | Allah commands to be Just (Adl) in everything | Adl between Man &…
Poor Quality Audio | What happened when Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ) started Dawat
Tape conversion - Topic to be updated
Reduce agreements to writing | Eg of 4 brothers in a business | Eg of loan not written down|
The Holy quran is the most the neglected item in a Muslim home - Quran is a guidance for believers - A Healing & Mercy - Just in recitation you…
A Sahabi requested advice and and asked to make it brief - Let your Salaah be of that person who is bidding farewell - Dont say or do anything where…
West St Musjid - Character of Nabi (Sal) | No one knows the husband better than the wife | Words of consolation of Khadija (Rad) about Nabi (Sal)'s his characteristics
Hasad & Jealousy, a disease that affecting all people | 2 people upon whom envy jealousy is permissible | Cure / remedy for Hasad...
Causes of disasters etc | Fasaad has struck on land & sea because of the doings of people so that they may return to Allah | Our actions are having…