
Essential Reading

Extracted advices and articles of Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Rahmatullah Alayh.


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Inspiring Advices and Naseeha of Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Rahmatullah 'Alayh.




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Homosexual Inclinations
Homosexual Inclinations

I am a Muslim male who was very ‘normal’ in my nature until recently. Having watched a movie which explicitly encouraged homosexuality, I now find myself strongly attracted to other males... Read More

Intolerance When Teaching
Intolerance When Teaching

I am a Madrasa teacher and find myself intolerant when it comes to some of my students, especially the ones who are weaker and slower in learning. In my frustration, I sometimes insult such students and regret my behaviour... Read More


My question is that should we believe in horoscopes and signs, because sometimes I read things about my sign and the prediction that is written for my sign upsets me, if it is something scary... Read More

Spiritual Reform
Spiritual Reform

I would like to know about Sufism. Is it a part of Islam or is it something which has just been made up by fraudulent people who are marketing it as religion ? What I hear sometimes makes me think this is a “hoax”... Read More

Marrying a non-Muslim
Marrying a non-Muslim

I am in my 20s and still not married. The Muslim boys that I know are of dubious and doubtful character, womanisers or into drugs and drink and other Haraam. Their character also leaves little to be liked... Read More

Acquring Wealth
Acquring Wealth

I am a Hindu and want you to please foretell my future. Will I become rich in the future? I am not well off and am very desirous and ambitious of becoming a rich man. I will also like your suggestions on how to become rich... Read More

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