It is necessary to bring all of the command's of Allah Ta'ala and Sunnah into our lives in order to reap all the benefits of Deeni teachings. Poetry: "Jab zuba…
Hazrat explains the last verses of surah Baqarah,with emphasis on the unlimited maghfirat of Allah. Hazrat reads "Rangelaaiengi Kabmeri aaye..."
Discussion of surah Aadiyaat,emphasizing on the Ungratefulness of man.Hazrat reads "Zameepar Medina kerehte heham...."
As strong as the foundation of Imaan is,as beautiful will be the Character,Dealings,Ibadat,etc of this building of Deen.Hazrat reads"Majalehe kuchbikar .
Don't lose faith in Allah Ta'ala. He will only test you up to what you can bear. Beautiful example of the pigeon in the shoebox. Hazrat reads "Mujko jeene ka…
Hazrat stresses the importance of Zikrullah being of the right quality and quantity then we will get the Closeness and Ma'rifat of Allah Ta'ala. Decorate your hearts with the wounds…
Our Ibadat should be for the Pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and not for the Fear of Jahannum. Hazrat beautifully explains the Naath Sharief "Alaikas salaatu Alaikas salaam..."
Naat - Mubarak tuje hoe, e arze madeena & Explanation
Dua of Aadam (AS) - Rabbana Zalamnaa...- & Yaa Rab karam se apne...& explanation
Explanation of the aayah where the merits of those who exercise patience in the face of tests and trials are mentioned | "Meri Zindagi ka hasil meri zeestaqa sahara..."
We need Zikrullah to recharge our batteries of Imaan. For how long are we going to keep on making and then breaking our Tauba? Hazrat reads Naat Sharief "Sarkaar-e-do aalam...".
Heart-melting Majlis on the importance of burning our evil passions and desires in the furnace of Taqwa. Hazrat reads "Alaikassalaatu alaikassalaam....".
Zikrullah will drop by drop melt the hardness of our hearts. Beautiful dua related to the incidence of Yusuf (AS).
Beautiful explanation of dua "Oh the One whom sins don't harm ..." Our job is to flap our wings and cry to Allah Ta'ala. Our sins are limited but Allah…
The benefits of making Istighfaar. Beautiful poetry in dua form expressing our complete uselessness to Allah Ta'ala.
We need to develop Raza Bil Qadha i.e: be pleased with Allah Ta'ala's orders under all types of conditions. Explanation of poetry "Ye isee tara se mumkin...
Dont lose hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala. Encouragement to develop love for our salaat.
Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) showed the entire mankind the highest example of sublime character. Those who follow in his footsteps will draw the help and mercy of Allah Ta'ala
Holding onto the teachings of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) will bring Barkat in our lives. Beautiful incident of Halima Sadia (radiyallahu anha). Poetry: "Tamanna he..."
The lesson of Rabiul-Awwal is to make Amal on the teachings of Nabi (salallahu alaihiwasalam) | Inspiring couplets of naath sharif "Kaunain me shuhrat ki ...sarkare dau aalam".
Importance of clarification - Naat: Kownai ne me shohrat he - A world of means - Current of Noor in Madinah - Everyone can't just pack up and go to…
Poetry: "Range laiye kab mere aiye... " heart-melting explanation on this beautiful poetry which stirs the heart and mind.
Poetry: "Un Ke Darbaar-e-Aqdas". The world is a place of meetings and seperations. Forget the bad, sinful meetings and remember the good meetings like the meeting at the Roza Mubarak.…
An effort is needed to attain physical & spiritual beauty - Our rebellion against Allah - Naat.. Toe hoe kisi be haal & explanation
Poetry: "Daagh e Hasrat..." | Decorating our hearts with the wounds and pain taken in restraining ourselves from evil desires results in the Noor of the love of Allah Ta'ala…
Zikr programmes are for Taqwiyyat - A type of vitamin (strength) | Leaving Madinah & Makkah Shareef | The Maal of Madinah | Anger |Work as a team at home…
Hujjaaj going to Madinah - Naat Shareef - Listen for Amal Naat: Lazzate Zikre naame khudaa he chamand - Caught in the same vices of the west - we still…
Zikrullah Majlis is to light up the love of Allah 40 Durood & Salaam Naat: Karam se unkoe Zikr & Dua
Diff explanation of Zikrullah Naat: Ye Subhe Madinah.. Zikr & Dua
Naat: Unke darbaare aqdas me jab bi koi...& explanation - Zikr & Dua
Naat: Ajam ke bayaa baa - Madinah Shareef is full of Noor - Zikr & Dua
Naat: Ay tu Khairul Bashar.. Alaikas Salaatu..& Explanation- Zikr & Dua
Tajalli & Attachment to the Ka'bah Shareif |Tawaaf of Rabbul Bait | Not a place for Touring and Business | Hajj is a special kind of ibaadat | Hajj is…
A person who visits the Haramain Sharifain repeatedly is like the student who repeatedly fails his exams and is given another chance. Best reward for a believer is to be…
The fragrance of Ramadan is in the Air - We should be ready to accept it - Nisbat with Nabi (Sal) - Zikr Naat: Ay mere mowla meri nazar me…
We have informed by Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that on the night of Baraat one the things is that the list of those that are going to die in the…
Only once Ikhlaas comes, then only will we achieve the full help of Allah. We have wasted our lives in futile activities. Poetry: "Jub zuba par Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)..."…
Poetry: "Yaare Rahe Ya Rabb" and "Majaalahe kuch bi kar... " Zikr and Dua.
A Muslim is affected by whatever is happening to Muslims around the world | The problem is that our "fun" comes first | Keep a good opinion of those who…
Nafs and Shaitaan will try and block a person until his own Janazah could leave the same place. Take lesson of the death of people in unfortunate circumstances. Make sure…
In this cold weather example of using the heaters and blankets of Zikrullah to protect us from the Fitnahs that are surrounding from all sides. Poetry: "Yaare rahe ya Rabb…
Vicious environment - We want to keep Rahman & Shaitaan happy - Justification of Sins.. - Ayat: Allah grants his bounty.. The Kuffar turn away from Allah - World cup…
Ummat is in very difficult and trying times - Shahadat - What's happening around the world & in Saudi Arabia - Hz Shah Badre Aalams poetry: Azeezo koe muje ek…
Deficiency in love of Allah and Nabi (sal) is our major problem - Poetry: Rang laengi kab meri aaye & explanation - Zikr & Dua
True Walis have expectation on nobody but Allah Ta'ala. We live beyond our means. Extravagance is dislikd by Allah Ta'ala. To have peace both parties must do right.. Poetry: "Mere…
Breaking system... remembrance of death - Incident of person who got involved with a prostitute... - What if? - Incident of Namrud - Poetry: Lazzate zikre naame khuda & explanation…
True power is with Allah Ta'ala. Take lesson from the volcano ash, even if you had the CASH then to due to the ASH you wouldn't be able to fly.…
Diff forms of Zikrullah - When the lights went out.. emergency lights were not charged - Light up the fire of Love of Allah & Nabi (Sal) - Poetry: Ay…
The fulfilment of the laws of Allah Ta'ala is Zikrullah. When we get Azmut, Muhabbat and Aqeedat then Ita'at becomes easy. Develop the love of Allah Ta'ala and do all…
Our whole life is a journey. How Allah Ta'ala provides sustenance, Example of a magnet... Zikr and Dua
Why aren't we seeing the effects of all the Waaz & Naseehah? - Poetry: Kio aah me koch ta'seer & explanation - Noor from the speakers heart - Zikr & Dua
Poetry: "Nazar doonthee he diyar e Madinah ... ", Zikr and Dua.
Poetry: "Aap ka Martaba is jaha me ... " | Going for Umrah isn't a status symbol. Our concern should be if Allah Ta'ala and Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) were…
Poetry: "Range laiye kab mere aiye... " When will these tears bear fruit with an opportunity of presence in Madinah Munawarrah, Zikr and Dua.
Poetry: "Nabee-e-Akram". The true state of the ummat, Zikr and Dua.
Poetry "Lazate Zikre Naame he kuda heh chamand" Where can enjoyment of gardens compare with the enjoyment of taking the name of Allah Ta'ala..
Everywhere new years celebration - Ayat: Don't let Family and riches divert you from the remembrance ... And spend... Poetry of Hakim Saheb - Waves of the ocean -…
When there is darkness, we appreciate light - Tuhi Tu..Only You - Tasbeeh - Zikr & Dua
Yaseen - Poetry: Ham Madine se Allaha kue aagaye.. & Explanation - Why did we ever return from Madinah Shareef - Zikr - Dua
Sura Yaseen by Qr Ismail Desai - Eg of a lady going through the difficulty of pregnancy - Incidents how people have changed their lives - Naat: Unke darbaar re…
Eg of how to create the love of Allah Ta'ala in the heart by rubbing your hands - Eg of True Love - Poetry: Ay mere mowla meri nazar me…
Hazraths return from Karachi - Ne'mat of oxygen - Purpose of going to Masha'ikh - They have a connection - Transfer of heart to heart - Zikr & Dua
Month & Days of Hajj Naat: Meri nazro me tum hoe Cont. The beauty and Noor of the mountains - Taking photos.... Allahs kindness, so many people have money but…
Sahabah had purified hearts - Hujjaaj preparing for Haj Naat: Unke darbaar e Aqdas - Whoever gets the opportunity of reaching the darbaar of Nabi (sa)....- Zikr & Dua
Naat: Zami par Madineh ke rehte he ham - Mubarak lands of Madinah - Residency - permanent or temporary - Karam of Allah - Zikr & Dua
Hifz Khatam (Hafiz Yusuf Sulaiman Vawda) | Combination of efforts of different people | Preservation of the Quran | Parents must become role models to children | Hamd of Kwaja…
Insulation is required - Don't loose hope Zikr Naat: Ay mere mowla meri nazar me & explanation - Zikr & Dua
Detoxification - laxatives - Ramadan is for detoxification - Rains of Rahmat - Poetry: Yaa rab karam se apne toe doe noe - Zikr- Dua
Zikrullah is remembering Allah all the time - Poetry: Siwa he tere Koi tikaana - Zikr - Dua
Hazraths 1st Majlis after illness - Accept the decision of Allah - The enjoyment in Pain - Sura Aaadiyaat Man is ungrateful Zikr Naat: Yaar rahe yaa rab - Zikr…
If there is no obedience.. there is no love - Poetry: Unke darbaare aqdas me jub bi koi.. - Zikr & Dua
People go for Haj but instead of given their heart to Allah Ta'ala they give it to illicit beloved. The pitiable state of Hujjaj. Poetry: Ham Madeene se Allah..Zikr and…
Naat: "Taiba ke jaane wale...": - O you who is proceeding to Taiba...| The Green Dome | Riyaadul Jannah, etc | Don't forget me | Zikr & Dua
Poetry: Joe Guzri teri yaad .. (Ghaflat- indifference). Poetry: "Ay Mere Daata", Zikr and Dua.
We are lacking the Love of Allah, if we have, it's only on our lips - Poetry: arshu Kursi se Baalaa (Ml Mustafa Kaamil) - Poetry: Ayy mere mowla meri…
Anticipating the arrival of Ramadan - Poetry: Tamanna he ke gulza.. - Zikr & Dua
Iyaadat to Hz Hakim Saheb (Visiting the sick) - Role Models - Genuine Mashaikh - A person leaving home (his wife) for Deeni activity (Eg of Badr & Uthman (Rad).
Hifz Khatam - Poetry: Doe jahaa kaa khudaa hamde teri sadaa.. & Explanation - Zikr - Dua
Wisdom of lunar months - Poetry: Ay rasoole amee - Poetry: Majaal he koch bi - Zikr - Dua
Examples of Sardines - Jalaluddin Rumi (Rah)'s example of the Kings falcon that went to the place of the owls - Poetry: Jab zubaa par muhammad kaa naam - Poetry:…
Kwaja Shbs Poetry: Tere ai na'i roshneee - Outide is glitter, etc - We are searching in the wrong place.. - Eg of Jalaluddin Rumi (Rah) - Friendship is for…
Zikr Majlis is to develop that Muhabbat of Allah Ta'alas - Eg of steam engine trains - Our sins make things difficult - Poetry: Lazzate Zikre naame khudaa.. - Zikr…
Eg of load shedding & Zikrullah - True Zikrullah - Poetry: (Munajaat) of Hakim Akhtar Saheb (Rah): Yaa Rab karam se apne tu _ - Seeking amnesty - Zikr -…
Different methods of Zikrullah - Qibla of our lives is Nabi (Sal) - Poetry: Jab Zubaa par Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) - Zikr - Dua
A person does not want to dis-please the beloved - Poetry: Toe hoe kisi bi haal.. - Eg of a bird in a cage - Poetry: Me ay khudaa dam…
Poetry: Darbare nabi phir tuje Allah.. - May Allah take you once again to Madinah... - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Tamanna he ke gulzar.. - My desire for a garden in Madinah Shareef - Live & Die in madinah Shareef - Zikr - Dua
Different departments of Deen - What is Dunya? - What if?.. is the break to sinning - Poetry: Muraqaba Maut (Ek din marna he aakhir) - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Tere ay na'i roshnee - Friendship of today is hypocrisy - Poetry: Ilaahi dikaade bahaare Madinah.. - Zikr - Dua
Never say Deen is not practical - Poetry: Lazzate zikre naame.. - Hijrat - Zikr Naat: Ay mere daataa.. - Zikr - Dua
Yaseen Shareef - Eg of emergency lights - This month of December is like a license for some to sin - Talk, Talk,,.. talk show, no Haal Naat Shareef: Paharoo…
He, She or It 'Stole my heart' - Poetry: Saahil se lagegaa kabi mere bi safeena... - My ship will some day... - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Zami par Madeene ki rehte he hamm - Neighbours of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) - Nisbat with Madina Shareef - Zikr & Dua
Poetry: Rang la e gi - When will my tears bear the fruits of Madina Shareef - Zikr & Dua
Poetry: Siwa tere koi.. - Besides Allah, there is no one - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Muj koe jeene ka sahaaraa - Allah must be in my heart - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: (Ml Usmani) Tera Naam jis damm. - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: (Kwaja Saheb) "Toe hoe kisi bi haal..." | Whatever condition we find ourselves in, connect ourselves with Allah Ta'ala | Keep flapping your wings, you will get freedom |…
Focus on positives, not negatives - Poetry: Ay mere daataa.. (& explanation) - Zikr & Dua
Hifz Khatam - Qur'an is a guidance.. - Poetry: Shah Muhammad Ahmad Saheb (Rah): Ghazab he ham koe haasil... - Zikr & Dua
Poetry: Lazzate zikre naame khudaa - Hijrat for Allah - Give up sins - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Ye saraa e dehr musaafiro... (& explanation) - Silence of the grave - Best of investments - Zikr - Dua
Poetry: Na koch maal o dowlat... | We will not take any worldly things, only go with our Kafn | Giving our hearts to illicit beloveds | Aakhirah is our…
We are the Banndah (slaves) of Allah, we must accept His decision | Poetry: Meri Zindagi ka haasil... | Zikr | Dua
Naat by Qr Aashiq Saheb (Makkah): Har dam e Allah | Message of the Qur'an | Poetry: Majaal he koch.. | Zikr | Dua
Sincerity - Eg of a poor person who heard there was drought in Baghdad | Poetry: Tamanna he ke gulza.. | Zikr | Dua
Poetry: Rang la e gi... When will my tears.. | Dua | Zikr
Poetry: Ay rasule khudaa sarwale ambiyaa tuhe sub se Judaa | Poetry: Yaar rahe yaa rab | Zikr | Dua
Naat: Lazzate Zikr naame khudaa.. | Ghaflat is the hen that lays the eggs of other vices | Zikr | Dua
Poetry: Ilaahi dikade bahaare with translation | Zikr | Dua
Continuation: Muraqaba-e-Maut | Zikr | Dua
Islam is easy | We need "eyes to see" | Zikr | Dua
Yaseen Sharif | Cont. Muraqaba-e-Maut | Giving the heart to the Dunya | Zikr | Dua
Cont. Muraqaba-e-Maut (Ek din marnahe...) | Halaal enjoyments | Zikr | Dua
Cont Muraqaba-e-Maut | Toe ne man sab... | Ek din marnahe aakhir Maut | Zikr | Dua
Part 1
Hajj is a training for the believers: Follow the hukm of Allah whether we understand it or not | "Na Woh Zawq eh Heh..." - Poetry of Shah Muhammed Ahmed…
Quraan Sharief is for our spiritual survival. The azmat (respect) of The Quraan must enter our hearts | The speech of the king is the king of speeches | Majaal…
cont Poetry: Baatin me mare yaa Rab - How i want to spend my life - Zikr - Hawa o hirs wala dil badalde & explanation - Dua
Sign of Allah loves a person is Zikrullah and Allah keeps a person away from sins - A person comes every week for Zikr Majlis but still indulges in sins…
Every Majlis has its own flavor - Diff programs' have different flavors - That's the beauty of our Deen Majlis of Taubah
fly with me to royalty b4umra
Mf Muhammad Jaleel Saheb giving Nasaaha Dream of a person who heard over the PA System in Madinah Shareef the Ashaar that Hazrath sings... Aymere Daataa... & Explanation Zikr &…
Poetry: Eemaa ki halaawat ka mazaa kue nahi lete.. (Ml Mustafa Kaamil) & explanation | Zikr | Dua
Poetry: Be parda hasino se howa tang.. (Ml Mustafah Kaamil) | This poetry is a Waaz | Brief explanation | Poetry: Majaalhe kock bi karsako.. & explanation | Dua
There are Spiritually & Physically sick people in every society - Cont. Poetry... Effort from my side and the pull from Allah - One excellent faculty does not solve the…
Steam & Thirst of the love of Allah Ta'ala Cont. Explanation of Zikr of Kwaja Saheb.. Karam se tere - We are not deserving of the Nemats of Allah -…
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