O Allah, fitnahs are lashing us ‘ from our right, from our left, from behind us and from in front of us; from the satellites above us.
O my beloved Allah, protect us from the storms of fitnahs.
O Allah, protect us from the fitnahs of this world and the next.
O my beloved Allah, where do we go ? ‘If You do not protect us and save us, who else is there for us ?
O Allah, to whom do we turn ? ‘Who is there for us beside You?
O Allah, the fitnahs have entered our homes; the fitnahs have entered our schools and colleges; the fitnahs have entered our Muslim schools; the fitnahs have entered our bazaars and market places; the fitnahs have entered our Madaaris and Masaajid ; the fitnahs have entered the Haramain Sharifain’
O my Allah, we can hear cell phones, with musical tones even in front of the Raudha Mubarak of Nabi , and in front of the Ka’batullah’
O Allah, filthy music can be heard a few metres away from the Raudha of my beloved Rasul e ‘just a few metres from the mubarak
Dome of my beloved Rasul’s e resting-place’
O Allah, protect Makkah Sharif and Madina Sharif from all fitnahs.
O Allah, protect Musjid-e-Aqsa”