Dua for Spiritual Bounties


Dua for Spiritual Bounties

O Allah, change the condition of our hearts. Fill our hearts with Noor; fill our hearts with the Love of this Deen.

O Allah, fill our hearts with the noor of Taqwa; fill our hearts with the noor of the tilawat of the Qur`aan Sharif, of Zikr (Praise of Allah Ta’ala) and Ibaadat, of Haj and ‘Umrah, of Da’wat and Tabligh and of charities.

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of doing all Ibaadat with Ikhlaas

O Allah, with the noor that is generated from these Ibaadaat, light up our hearts.

O Allah, strengthen our Imaan

O Allah, grant us such Imaan, which clings to our hearts.

O Allah, make us all pious and righteous.

O Allah, grant us Your Qurb

O Allah, with Your power of Jazb make us Yours.

O Allah, we want the hearts that You give to the Auliya-e-Siddiqeen

O Allah, bless us with the ne’mat that You give to Your Auliyaa-e-Siddiqeen.

O Allah, we want those hearts which are filled with Noor and Your Tajalli

O Allah, we want those hearts which are filled with Your Love and the Love of Rasulullah; so that it may be easy to do that which is pleasing to You and pleasing to Rasulullah”