Dua for Taufeeq of Obedience


Dua for Taufeeq of Obedience

O Allah, we are so weak and so insincere that the slightest temptation and we return to zina, to porn magazines and porn websites, to music and to other Haraam’

O Allah, give us that Yaqeen

that You are watching us and that You are aware of our actions.

O Allah, give us the courage and the strength of lions against nafs and Shaytaan.

O Allah, nafs and Shaytaan do not want us to taste the enjoyment and the sweetness of Imaan.

O Allah, they do not want us to come anywhere close to You because they know that if we do, we will shun all sins.

O Allah, remove the love of sins from our hearts.

O my Allah, put the hatred of sins into our hearts.

O Allah, put the hatred of adultery and fornication; the hatred of interest and fraud; the hatred of gambling, the hatred of music and television, and the hatred of every sin into our hearts.

O Allah, put the love of good deeds into our hearts.

O Allah, put the love of Salaah

, the love of Zikr (Praise of Allah Ta’ala), the love of Tilawat, the love of fasting and the love of serving mankind into our hearts.

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of making Salaah, 5 times a day, in Jamaat, in the Musjid – as far as possible, for the men; and for the women, in their homes.

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of giving Zakaat, of fasting in the month of Ramadaan of going for Haj, if Fardh.

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of fulfilling the rights of our parents, the rights of our children, the rights of our family members, the rights of our neighbours, and the rights of the Ummah of Rasulullah (SAW).

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of fulfilling the rights of Muslims and non-Muslims.

O my beloved Allah, give us the taufeeq to deal honestly in our businesses.

O Allah, give us the realization that we have to bring the whole of Deen into our lives.

O Allah, protect us from wastage and Israaf

O Allah, protect us from abuse of Your ne’mats.

O Allah, give us the taufeeq of appreciating Your Bounties.

O Allah, give hidayat to everyone.

O Allah, we want to become Your Walis . ‘How long are we going to remain the friends of nafs and Shaytaan ?

‘O Allah, how long are we going to walk on the earth as hypocrites’?

O Allah, make us from among Your sincere servants.”