Dua for the Guidance for Children


Dua for the Guidance for Children

O Allah, there are so many parents complaining that their children have become a curse for them – their children are in drugs, drink and all kinds of vices.

O my Allah, children are back-answering and neglecting their parents. ‘Children are murdering their parents; strangling their parents; kicking their parents’

O my beloved Allah, have mercy upon us.

O Allah, give us the realization that we are the cause of their destruction.

O Allah, we are the ones providing them with those sources which lead to Haraam.

O Allah, we brought the evil television into our homes; we bring the filthy movies into our homes; we bring the filthy magazines and filthy literature into our homes. We give them everything that leads them to vice dens.

‘We do not give them Deen. We do not give them the Majaalis of the Ahlullah (Friends of Allah Ta’ala). We do not give them the Majaalis of the pious and the righteous. We do not let them sit in the Majaalis of Nasihat, Da’wat and Ta’leem.

O Allah, give us this understanding’

O Allah, those parents whose children have landed in sins, and they are involved in drugs, drink, zina and other evils, bless them with the taufeeq of sincere taubah and repentance.

O my beloved Allah, guide all those children back onto Siratul Mustaqeem

. ‘O Allah, nothing is difficult for You.

O Allah, make our youth, assets for our community”