Du'aa of Rasulullah


Du’aa of Rasulullah

O my beloved Allah, Nabi made du’aa for the Ummat his entire life’.

O Allah, especially in Hajjatul Widaa ‘with his 124 000 glorious companions’

O Allah, how much Your Beloved Nabi cried; that sinless Nabi’

‘O Allah, for whom did he cry ? ‘His Ihraam became wet with his tears’

O Allah, the duas he made when attached to the Multazam , the duas he made in the Hateem , the duas that he made under the Meezaabur Rahmah , the duas he made after performing Salaah behind the Maqaam-e-Ibraheem ‘

O my Allah, the duas he made after drinking Zam Zam , ‘the duas which he made on Safa and Marwa , the duas he made at Arafat ‘ from Zuhr till Maghrib , then the duas that he made at Mina and Muzdalifa …

‘O Allah, all the duas of goodness, which he made for us, bless us with that goodness, bless our parents with that goodness, bless our wives and children with that goodness, bless the entire Ummat with that goodness.

O Allah, protect us, our wives, children and families and the entire Ummah of Nabi , from all the fitnahs, mischief and corruption he asked protection from ‘ especially the fitnah of Dajjaal”