Getting up for Fajr Salah
by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)
The following is the prescription that has been given regarding getting punctual with Fajr.
In summer, when Fajr Salah[1] is very early, many complain about their inability to get up for Fajr Salah. In winter, when Fajr is relatively late, many complain about their inability to get up due to the cold.
As the phrase goes: ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ If one is sincere in wanting to perform the Fajr Salah (or any Salah), then come any season, weather, condition or circumstance, the person will do all that which is within his capacity to fulfil the rights of Allah Ta’ala.
Due to the weakness being so common, the following are prescriptions to remedy the problem of missing the Fajr Salah:
>> An alarm clock should be kept a distance away from the bed. Instead of switching it off and going back to sleep, you will have to get out of bed to switch it off.
>> If you are a deep sleeper, then use two alarm clocks with loud alarms. Place one on either side of you – and at a distance.
>> If your hearing is good in one ear and weak in the other, then place the clock on that side, where you will hear it loud and clear.
>> Sincerely make Du’a before sleeping: ‘O Allah, I want to get up for Fajr Salah. Please give me the Taufeeq (ability) to do so.’
>> Tell those at home who also awaken for the Fajr Salah to get you up, even if it means shaking you up.
>> Request a friend to give you a few rings in the morning – 20 or 30 minutes before Fajr. It will not cost him any money since you know that he is ringing you for Fajr Salah, and you won’t answer the call.
>> Do not stay awake till two o’clock in the morning – involved in entertainment or pastimes: watching television, surfing the Internet, reading novels, etc. or in any activity, even ‘Mubah’ (permissible), which would then make it difficult to get up for Fajr. In such cases, go to bed early and begin the day early.
>> Shaytan makes a person feel lazy at Fajr. On awakening, read the Masnun dua: ‘All praise is due to Allah who has given us life after death (i.e. sleep). And to Him will we be raised and returned.’
Then read: ‘La haula wa la quwwata illa billah’ and Ta’awwuz: ‘I seek protection in Allah from Shaytan, the accursed.’
Even though these are suggested prescriptions, the condition of a Mu’min (Believer in Allah Ta’ala) is that he or she is also ‘Ashiq’ (a sincere lover) of Allah Ta’ala. Since when is an Ashiq Ghafil (negligent) in pleasing his or her Beloved?
If those who say they cannot get up for the Fajr Salah[2] have to read an advertisement in a newspaper by a gold coin company that all customers who arrive between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. at their premises will receive a Kruger Rand (gold coin), free. Will they then sleep or camp there the night? Whereas a gold coin has no worth in comparison to the value of a Salah.
If a concerted and sincere effort was made to get up for the Fajr Salah after having adopted the prescriptions mentioned above, and still the person was unable to make it for Fajr with Jamat, then insha Allah, he will not be questioned on the Day of Qiyamah.
[1] Fajr: Prayer performed after true dawn and before sunrise. It is mentioned in a Hadith: ‘One who performs the Salat at Fajr comes under the security of Allah…’
Sahih Muslim
[2] Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu’ alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘There isn’t any Salah which is (heavier) more difficult on the Munafiqein (hypocrites) than Fajr and Esha Salah.’
Sahih Al-Bukhari