NO, it’s Not ON!
by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)
Once, whilst walking on the pavement, I saw the word “ON” engraved on the cement. A pedestrian would read “ON” walking in one direction and would read “NO” walking in the opposite direction. This made me think of the never-ending efforts of Shaytan and Nafs in enticing and persuading us to engage in sins. When it comes to sins, Shaytan and Nafs are quick in glorifying disobedience, saying to us, “It’s ON!”
This is a common catchphrase, often used to confirm some get-together or meeting, whether at the rave club, cinema, casino, or an illicit affair —meaning, ‘It’s the thing to do, It will bring enjoyment and gratification. You will be ‘with it.’
However, when a true Muslim is faced with such an invitation to sin or is tempted to disobey Allah Ta’ala and Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), then he boldly and assertively responds:
“NO, it’s not On!”
He addresses his nafs:
“Agreed, there is a little stolen pleasure in sin,
But what great rebellion is this against the Sustainer (Allah Ta’ala
(That you use His bounties to disobey Him)
A little while of pleasure and everlasting regret;
What stupidity it is to bury the Janaza of respect and honour.”
Click here to download and listen to the above couplet recited by Hazrat Maulana: “Yeh Mana Ma’siyat me…”