Removing the Safety Net


Removing the Safety Net

Hazrat1 Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahimahullah) was the Khalifa of two great luminaries: Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (rahimahullah) and Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (rahimahullah), and was, himself, the mentor, preceptor and spiritual guide of thousands throughout the world.

Hazrat Maulana was an epitome of piety and righteousness and an ocean of wisdom in his guidance and advice to Saalikeen (those seeking the Path to Allah Ta’ala).

This book is a compilation of selected replies to Islaahi correspondence, much of which was taken from e-mails that came from various parts of the world. The compilation of these questions and replies was prepared with Hazrat Maulana’s guidance and direction. It was hoped that many more would benefit from the advice and prescriptions given since the same questions were asked by different people.

This book contains 20 letters with their respective replies, and it was completed in Hazrat Maulana’s lifetime, in Ramadaan 1429 (September 2008).

Confidentiality has been upheld, letters have been edited, and no names and details are made known or published. May Allah Ta’ala make this book solely for His Pleasure and accept the very humble effort. May He make it a Sadaqa-e-Jaariyah for Hazrat Maulana, as well as myself and all those who contributed in its publication. May Allah Ta’ala grant us all a deep understanding of the knowledge acquired, accompanied with the ‘Taufeeq’ of practice on the Commandments of Allah Ta’ala and the beautiful teachings of Rasulullah Sallahu ‘alayhi wasalam – with sincerity and Divine acceptance. May Allah Ta’ala grant Hazrat Maulana (rahmatullahi alayh) the best of Aakhirah. Ameen

[Rabiul Awwal 1434 / January 2013]
