Khatmul Quraan. The greatest opression has been done to the Quraan.
If we have to say in one word what the Quraan is invting towards then we will say "TAQWA".
Praises of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Without love for Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) our Imaan is incomplete. Solution to problems is in adopting the system of Madinah Sharif.
Commentary of Surah Mulk. If a person has his death before him hid life will be right. Deeds are not going to be counted but rather weighed.
Tasbeehat and Dua.
Advices and Dua.
A person cannot be a true believer unless he has intense love for Allah Ta'ala. A person has to become Baaligh (mature) spiritually. Parable of a plane taking off and…
Poetry: Everything must stay outside our hearts except Allah Ta'ala.
The qualities of the Muttaqin who stay awake at night in Ibadat. Action is required. Ramadaan has not ended.