Every aspect of deen is of benefit
PART 2 - Explanation of ayat of Quraan Sharif . From amongst your spouses and children some are enemies. Children and weath are a test for you...
PART 1 - Explanation of ayat of Quraan Sharif ." Your wealth and children are a test". Lesson of forgivness...
Poetry: " YA RUB KARAM SEH... " Oh Allah with your Mercy give me the best of both the worlds. PART 2...
Nabi (alaihis salaam) was sent as guide to the entire mankind. POETRY: "TAMANAA HE KE GULZAARE MADINA AB'e WATAN HOTA...."
(Part 2) The incident of Hazrat Bilaal (radhiyallahu anhu) and the hardship he had to endure
(Part 1) The incident of Hazrat Bilaal (radhiyallahu anhu) and the hardship he had to endure
The Quraan is Hidayat (guidance) for the entire mankind. The history in the Quran is for lesson. Incident of Nuh (alayhis salaam). Poetry: "Siwa-e-tere...". Duas and tears will change things.
Commentary on Surah 43 Ayat 41: "Invitation to HAQ must be done in a HAQ manner and with a HAQ intention".
People are losing hope in Allah Ta'ala due to depression