A talk delivered by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh) Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahmatullahi ‘Alayh)
“ When in love, the complaint of the Beloved is not appropriate. For me there is no injustice in any of His actions.Outwardly though it may be a calamity,But it is in fact a blessing in disguised form.That calamity in which there is goodness for us,Is not really a punishment.The love of the slaves of Allah cannot reach perfectionUntil the blood of evil desires is not shed. May that which is pleasing to You also become pleasing to me.What would I do with that pleasure,which is not accompanied by Your pleasure ?How can I say that the pain which is in my heart (of Your love)Is not a gift of Yours?He, who is not blessed with this gift remains Unaware of Your Glory.Do not rejoice over my tears of longing for Him,When I am distanced from Him. O you uninitiated in love, you have not as yetExperienced the pain of deep-hearted love.Whosoever you witness giving his heart and soul to gold and silver,O Akhtar, believe that he has not tasted The sweetness of the Love of Allah. ”
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