The Reality of Our Islam


The Reality of Our Islam

The Reality of Our Islam
by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)


If we had to analyse the eras when Muslims throughout the world were dominant, we would find that they had the Haqiqat (reality) of Islam in their lives; they were living Islam happily, willingly and enthusiastically.

They understood their purpose in this world. They understood that they had higher and more noble objectives to aspire for because they looked beyond this life.

Before them was their return to their Creator —Allah Ta'ala,
Aakhirah (the Hereafter), and Jannah, they exerted themselves in the direction of obedience to Allah Ta'ala and securing His Pleasure.

Allah Ta'ala put into people's hearts love for these sincere and obedient servants and granted them success. There was a dynamic effect when people met with these Muslims because they had both the Haqiqat and the “Surat” (outer form). People changed their religion, culture, dress and language because they saw Islam's beauty and blessing.

In the early days of Islam, we see how a small number grew to 500, then 700 and thereafter 1500 —which was a great and wonderful accomplishment, considering the odds against the Muslims at that time.

Today, we are plus one billion —but what a difference between the early Muslims and us!


In the 1950s, as a young boy, I recall visiting the museum. There were different animals: wild animals, omnivores, carnivores and so forth, but they were all stuffed with sawdust. And there were signs near the animals which read: ‘PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH.'


Would we find such a sign in the Kruger National Park when we go on a safari, wanting to see the Big Five?


When does the king of the jungle require a sign such as: ‘PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH'?

Yet, in the museum, this sign was placed next to the lion because there was no life in that lion. There was no Haqiqat (reality). Even if it was the king of the jungle, he was now stuffed with sawdust. Rats, too, could nibble without fear because there was no life, no worry of even a roar.

Looking at the present scenario of the Muslim Ummah globally, we see our likeness to those stuffed creatures. We have lost that power and supremacy which is otherwise reserved for the Believers.

The majority of Muslims today have no reality. We have ‘stuffed' our hearts with the love of Dunya and, therefore, our great weakness and overwhelming incapacity —a prophecy that clearly manifests today.


Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

The people will soon summon one another to attack you, just as people invite others to share their dish when eating. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be many in number at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish, like that, carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take away the awe and fear of you from the chest of your enemy and cast ‘wahn’ into your hearts. Someone asked: What is Wahn? The  Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.[1]

One billion in number, but how shameful, humiliating and dishonourable that we are subservient to the minority.

Who is influencing the political and economic climate? Who is manipulating global dynamics? Certainly not the Muslims.

The early Muslims had the reality and spirit of Islam. As such, success and victory were theirs for the taking. On the other hand, we want to conquer the world with only the Surat (form) of Islam or with talks and literature.

Dominance, Supremacy, Power and Authority do not come with Surat. The majority cannot even be recognised as Muslims – So even the surat seems to fall away.

On one of my trips to Pakistan, I visited someone at his home. There was a bowl of plastic fruit which looked so real – but it was “good for looking”, not suitable for eating.

Many of us Muslims today are not even good for looking. The plastic fruit was a good imitation – but in our Surat, there is no imitation also, very much like the Munafiqeen: neither here nor there.



Developing genuine piety in the heart and practising Islam are the keys to success and dominance, not selecting what we like and leaving off what our Nafs do not incline to.

Allah Ta'ala wants us to enter into Islam completely.

“O you who Believe! Enter into Islam completely…”
[Surah Baqarah 2:208]


This is the recipe for success. But we will have to bring together the correct ingredients to make that “flop-proof” success.

[1] Abu Dawud