Watering the Root


Watering the Root

Watering the Root

The main reason for being unable to solve the many problems the Muslim community is presently facing is that we are misdirecting our energies by ‘watering leaves’ when in fact, the ‘root’ is in dire need of water.

We are not getting to the root of the problem since we are too preoccupied with watering the leaves of our problems.


Take the example of Zina (adultery and fornication), which is the scourge of our society: The consequences are illegitimate children, abortions and various physical and deathly diseases. It is common knowledge that many physical ailments today point to immoral, unrestrained behaviour as the cause.

Having moved away from the Nasihah (advice) of Qur’an Sharif and Sunnah, and drawing from the manner in which the non-Muslims try to remedy their problems, many will suggest that a home be built for illegitimate and abandoned children, that more awareness is instilled in the youth on Aids and other transmitted diseases, and more programmes are held, encouraging the youth and others to take more precaution.


As we all know, drugs are another major problem among our youth. Our attention to remedying the situation is the building of rehabilitation centres.

Whilst these efforts offer some benefit, these are, in reality, short-term measures and are not solutions to the problems.

Because we have adopted the Western way of thinking, we consider these as the solutions.


The root cause is the heart. Change the heart’s condition, and sins will automatically be given up.


The actions will be good if the spiritual heart is in good condition. The actions will be bad if the heart is not in good condition. The person will suffer due to his own evil and mischief, and others will also suffer as a result.


The supreme qualities of the heart are Iman and Taqwa, which are lacking in most people. Shariah has laid tremendous emphasis on the purification of the heart.


Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) lived amongst people who were immersed in sins such as adultery, liquor and gambling. His approach and method in eradicating those major problems in that society was to create the love of Allah Ta’ala, the khauf (fear) of Qiyaamah and accountability, and the awareness that Allah Ta’ala is watching every deed: A person can hide and conceal his sins from people, but there is Someone who is always watching from above.


Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’an Sharif :

 “Indeed your Lord is Ever–Watchful (over them).”
[Surah Al-Fajr 89:14]


“…He is with you wherever you are, and Allah is watchful of whatever you do.”
[Surah Hadid 57:4]


In this manner, so many problems are solved in one capsule – The capsule of the Love and Fear of Allah Ta’ala. This is the real solution:

  1. – Change the condition of the heart.
  2. – Make the heart conscious of Allah Ta’ala.
  3. – Awaken the spiritual heart.

Otherwise, funds are being burdened on projects that are only short-term measures and not the solution.


The purpose of the Qur’an Sharif is to learn, understand and practice its teachings.
It is the Qur’an Sharif that works on the heart: If the person keeps before him the four witnesses who will either testify in his favour or against him on the Day of Qiyaamah, he will undoubtedly opt for abstinence from sins.


These four witnesses are :

1.   The Earth:

“On that Day, the earth will recount everything,”
[Surah Zilzal 99:4]


2.     The Angels who take note of all our actions:

“While (appointed) over you there are watchers, who are noble, writers (of the deeds), (they) know whatever you do.”
[Surah Infitar 82:10-12]


3. One’s Book of Deeds:

“And the book (of deeds) will be placed (before them), then you will see the guilty people scared of its contents and saying, “Woe to us! What a book is this! It has missed nothing, minor or major, but has taken it into account.” Thus they will find whatever they did present before them, and your Lord will not wrong anyone..”
[Surah Kahf 18:49]


4. One’sBody:

“On this Day We will seal their mouths, their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify to what they used to commit.”
[Surah Yasin 36:65]


If the root of Imaan, which is in the heart, is watered, then the tree of Imaan will bear the fruit of obedience.

The above is the solution to all our problems.