Hazrat Ali (R.A.)'s advice - hasten with 5 things - Salaah
(Shaqiq Balki & Shaitaan cont.) Even the pious were not spared from the attacks of Shaitaan. Shaitaan is like a dog
Holidays - Fitnas. Shaitaan's attack on Shaqiq Balkhi (R.A.) from four sides & his response. Un-islamic gatherings in the name of Islam
Taqwa tested outside the Musjid. Become a Wali (A friend of Allah Ta'ala) in a few seconds
Taqwa - everything that Allah orders us to do & prohibits us from doing
An important honoured guest
Nikah. Islamic Punishment is meant to be a deterrent. Shariat wants purity. Hadith: 'When Zina on the increase
Jealousy (cont.). Jealousy in different types of Deeni works
Spiritual disease - Jealousy. The cure is that we must consider Allah Ta'ala the distributor/giver of all Nemats
Sura Wad-Duhaa: (cont.) Whose word can be better then that person who calls to Allah Ta'ala. All workers of deen must appreciate one another