When the Ummah will indulge in 15 things(see 10th Dec for summary)
Cont. Inviting towards good..-Ummahs problem will not be solved when sins are in abundance. Hadith on 15 things that will bring the Azaab(earthquakes/tidal waves) of Allah. Amaanat will be taken…
Non-existence of amr bil ma'roof & nahi unil munkar(enjoining good & forbidding evil)-begin @ home-fathers are afraid to tell kids to do good-Deen not welcome in our occasions/function-Sins bring fights/quarrels
Cont. Bargain/deal that Allah made-Sifat of Jannatis-Aabidoon (Slaves who worship-shaitaans maximum effort is on those who are involved in deeni work-Haamidoon(Those who praise Allah Ta'ala)
Cont. Bargain/deal that Allah made- Sifat of Jannatis-Taa'iboon-2 things are a protection for Ummah
Cont. Bargain/deal which Allah has made-Hadith of person who performs salaah
Ramadaan | Taqwa | Restraining oneself from Haraam | Taqwa is tested in businesses
Ramadaan-purpose of fasting was not for physical benefit but for spiritual benefit-Adultery & other sins even in Ramadaan-Allah Ta'ala will provide rizq from unknown sources.
The gift of Me'raj-Last 2 Ayats of Sura Baqarah-The Imaan of Nabi(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) & the Sahabah(R.A.)-Allah will not burden a person with what he/she cannot bear-Statements of kufr made…
(Nikah)Secret Nikahs in `schools