Nasiyat of Hazrat Muaz ibne Jabal (R.A) :- "Just like how you get rewarded by Allah for ibadat etc so too I expect reward from Allah ta'ala for resting/sleep"
Is there a place for holidays and resting in Islam? We should not become Ghafil (neglectful) of Allah Ta'ala during this period.
The aim of Hajj to attain the Love of Allah in our lives.
Great lessons from the Qurbani animal - Mubarak 10 days of Zil Hijjah
Nikah- the continuous Ibadat. Our Nikah's are now reduced to customary practices..
Advice on Hajj. What we should be really coming back with. Description of the Hajj of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Discussion on Madinah Sharif.
Crisis with Masjid Al-Aqsa.
Port Shepstone:Ibaadat must carry on after Ramadan - Eg of opening the fast few mins before sunset & eg of car sent to the panel beaters
Advices of Hazrat Luqman (alayhis salaam) with regards to how he reached his high stages.