Majlis for the Youth: Tears of Istighfaar | Having the correct Niyyah
Majlis for Youth: Explanation of poetry (Rang laayee gi) | Rabba & Abba | Robbery while watching TV - We can control ourselves | Saying insha Allah
Poetry: "Daage Hasrat..."| Restraining oneself | The Month of July Month and its attractions | Collecting funds
Aayah: والذين إذا فعلوا فاحشة أو ظلموا أنفسهم ذكروا الله فاستغفروا لذنوبهم A sign of the Muttaqeen: When they commit Faahisha or harm someone, they immediately rectify and seek forgiveness…
Hifz Completion (Hf Zaheer & Hf Imraan Satharia)- Dua the Quran must be our Imaam, our Noor, Guide, Shifa - Respect the Quran deserves - Parents and Haafez need to…
Hazrat's return from Umrah | A Fine line between boasting & Tahdeesun Ni'mah (Speaking about the bounties that Allah Has blessed you with) | Naat (Nabi Akram) | After so…
Examples that Nabi ﷺ used to explain Deen: Salah | Jealousy | Dunya is a Prison for believers & Jannah for the Kuffaar