(Majlis & Zikr) Mizaaj (nature) of Nafs like that of a Dog. Nafs-e-Lowwaamah and Nafs-e-Mutmainnah. Keep the mind occupied in permissible things.
After Ramadan, What? | A Question by an ex Priest about Ramadan | Incidents of people's lives after Ramadan
A Message of Hope | An easy prescription for lazy people like us | Make Dua and beg Allah
People say, "We do not have the Himmat (courage)" | We are Allah's Bandas (servants) | Respect is in Deen
Dua of Nabi ﷺ - seeking the protection of Allah from the sudden snatching away of N'imahs (bounties), from Allah's anger, and asking for Aafiyah
Poetry of Khaja Saheb: Na'i Roshnee | Our current condition is quarrels, arguments, hatred etc | Darkness in the heart
Everyone seems to have a solution - The only solution is the need for Jannah and the fear of Jahannam | Our Zaahir (outward) and Baatin (inner) are both important…
Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) said every part of the body has a function. If any part is not functioning, then the person will need to get a cure. | Spiritual Doctors
Naat and Explanation: My head must be in Sajdah, and tears must flow from my eyes, whilst The waterfall of Rahmah is falling upon me | True Ishq (love)
Majlis for Youth: Cont. Poetry on having the love of Allah | Put your head in Sajdah | Obeying the command of our Lord | Suicide Bombers