Continuation of the Tafseer of Sura Ra'd | Who are the Ulul Albaab and what are their signs? | The Quran is a hidaayah (guidance) for all | The rghts…
Tafseer - explanation of who are the "Ulul al-Bab" and the qualities they posses | Those on the haqq are always triumphant even if they were suppressed and oppressed temporarily.
Appreciating and valuing the first ten days and nights of Zul Hijjah
Sura Teen: Qasam Allah Ta'ala takes on the Fig, Olive, Mount Sinia & Makkah
If a person is blessed with Shukr, Taubah, Sabr, Istighfaar, and Dua, he will not be deprived of 5 things happening.
Our Yakeen & Tawakkul is weak - Incident of a Kurdish looting leader & a blind snake
Tawakkul In Allah Ta'ala | Allah Ta'ala is the provider of Rizq & Sustenance | Hadith of Nabi (Sal) reported by Abdullah ibn Masood (rad)... there is nothing which takes…
Tafweez | Resigning our will to the will of Allah Ta'ala
Hifz completion - Azmat (respect) for the Qur'an Sharif