Continuation of the Tafseer of Sura Ra'd - Who are the Ulul Albaab and what are their signs?
Tafseer - explanation of who are the "Ulul al-Bab" and the qualities they posses.
Advices with regards to these first 10 Days of Zul Hijjah.
Explanation of Surah Teen.
If a person is blessed with 5 things then he wil be NOT be deprived of 5 things happening: 1) Shukr 2) Toba 3) Sabr 4) Istighfaar 5) Dua...
Our Yakeen & Tawakkul is weak - Incident of a Kurdish looting leader & a blind snake
Tawakkul in Rizq. Why should a person be hasty and go towards Haraam? Rizq and Death follow us like parallel lines.
Khatam of the Quraan Sharif is the beginning
The Ummah is going through turbulance POETRY:- "Apne maalik seh oot kar..."