
Service Type: <span>Special</span>

Live Interview on Radio Islam with Hazrath Maulana from Madina Shareef | Respect of the Haramain | Taking children to the Haramain | Consuming the meat in the Haramain...
Live on Cii with Ml Moosa Laher | Doubts that are in peoples minds why people are still involved in Zina after marriage | Eg that with medication goes a…
Kwaja Sahebs ashaar - Ab Jaghu - Wake Up - So much Allah has made Halal , different types of fruits, meat, fish, etc   Naat: Aytulhairul Bashar...Alaikas salaatu alaikas salaam
Cont. Incident of Muhammad bin Husain Bhagdadi Rahimahullah who purchased a slave girl who the master said was mad - Her poetry and passing away
Live interview on Cii (Ml Moosa Laher) Nikah advices | Removing the safety net | I trusTrusting friends with wife, oung daughters etc
Hakim Sahebs poetry: "Senkro zakh me hasrat me shada..." |  Different  kinds of worries I was in, but in all, I was happy | Total submission | A person who…
Cont. The Duas of Nabi (Sal) | Incident of a person who was making Dua for Rizq without effort in the time of Dawood (AS).. Lesson from this incident when…