Powerful Detergents for the Spiritual Heart



Powerful Detergents for the Spiritual Heart

There are many laboratories in the world working and specializing in detergents. Each one is trying to produce the best detergent that would be the easiest to remove stains.   Each company claims its detergents are the best, giving you a power-cleaning wash and removing the toughest stains. In the spiritual world, we find that…


Mirror Reflections

Mirror Reflections by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   It is said: ” The room in which there is no mirror is worse than a prison cell for a woman”. Of course, the same can be said about many men who spend hours in front of the mirror for the sole purpose of…


The Wash Cycles for the Heart

The Wash Cycles for the Heart by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   Once, on viewing the Mataf from one of the upper levels of Masjidul Haram, the scene of thousands of people engaged in Tawaf brought to my mind the following analogy: Seeing thousands of people moving around the Baitullah reminded me…


Watering the Root

Watering the Root The main reason for being unable to solve the many problems the Muslim community is presently facing is that we are misdirecting our energies by ‘watering leaves’ when in fact, the ‘root’ is in dire need of water. We are not getting to the root of the problem since we are too…