When Spouses Curse

Spiritual Reformation


When Spouses Curse

When Spouses Curse by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   A husband complained that he was always angry with his wife, and they continuously argued. There are so many such cases: If it is not the husband complaining of his wife, it is the wife complaining of her husband. In this case, having…


Business and Salah

Business and Salah by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   Once, a person asked me: “I am in my business from the morning; and from the business, I proceed to the Masjid for Zuhr, Asr, and Maghrib. I join the Salah with “Allahu Akbar”, but then it seems as if the whole business comes…


Futile Arguments

Futile Arguments by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   It seems as if everyone has something to argue about these days. Arguing is a waste of precious time and a diversion of Shaytan from carrying out good deeds or rendering services to Deen. We do not have to worry about arguing with every…


The Barrier between us and Allah Ta’ala

The Barrier between us and Allah Ta’ala by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   Unfortunately, one of many weaknesses is that we look at our achievements and successes with an eye of vanity and conceit. Our gaze falls on our efforts —that we are the ones who made an effort. We attribute our…


Prescription for Lustful Gazes

Prescription for Lustful Gazes by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah ‘alayh)   Lustful gazes have become an epidemic with consequences that are so far-reaching, to the point of crippling one’s spirituality, weakening one’s Iman, sometimes even to the extent of losing one’s Iman – for a pretty face or a handsome face. (May Allah…


A Means of Protection from Sins

A Means of Protection from Sins In my Dua, I always mention that we inevitably have to depart from this world. Death is a certainty. However, its time is unknown. Since we do not know where, when, and how we will die, how can we be engaged in sin? When making Dua, I say: O…


The Effects of Sins and Repentance

The Effects of Sins and Repentance   When a person indulges in sins, in disobedience to Allah Ta’ala, the heart immediately connects with the fire of Hell. As such, one result of sins is heat. The proof of this is drawn from a Masnoon Dua, which was brilliantly and inspirationally explained by Maulana Shah Abdul…


Boasting and Claiming Greatness

Pride and greatness are the exclusive attributes of Allah Ta’ala. He is the only one worthy of such qualities. Amongst Allah Ta’ala’s Beautiful Names are: “Al-Mutakkabir” (The Supreme), “Al-Kabir” (The Greatest), “Al-Jalil” (The Majestic), “Al-Qawi” (The Most Strong), and “Al-Qadir” (The All-Powerful). Many more attributes make evident Allah Ta’ala’s greatness and power. The entire Qur’an…


Pornography – A Bait of Shaytan

We all know that fish live in water. They generally cannot survive for long out of water. However, when fish move towards the ocean’s surface, they become an easy catch for fishermen –as we find with the sardine run. People grab, net and catch sardines from the surface of the water. When a fisherman catches…


Avoiding the Ash Clouds of Sins

A young friend of mine, a pilot, recently flew to Australia. Due to the ash clouds, they were told they could not take off. They were thus delayed a few days.   When he returned, I asked him: “There was still a lot of ash; what did you’ll do?” He said: “They gave us a…