Completion of Quraan Sharif read daily after Asr in Musjid.
There are many different measuring instruments and gauges. We can also measure our Imaan by checking if our good deeds give us happiness & if our Sins give us sadness
After jumu'ah - a little more explanation of the jumu'ah talk
The people of Jannah will question those who are in Jahannam as to why they are there. They will answer: We never used to read Salaah, feed the poor, and…
Durood & Dua (Friday)
Last 2 rakats of Salaatut Taraweeh, Naseeha & Dua
Ml Mustafa Hamd: "Karam se unke..." Our good fortune of the Haram | The Mubarak Nights to make Dua
Sifaats of the Muttaqeen and what they will get on the day of Qiyamah - Those that spend a portion of the night in Ibaadat
Muttaqeen - Tawakkul - Shukr & Sabr
Khaja Sahebs Poetry: "Toe ne man sub bi agar paya to..." So what if you have a position or some rank etc, so what if you have gold or silver,…