zikr - part1
zikr - part2
1421 - Springfield Eid - ul Fitr: Eid Salaah, no Azaan - Example of removing the dents - Example of the Sahabi (Rad) who wanted to commit Zina - Nabi…
1421 - laylatul bara'ah
Dundee: We don't make sincere Towbah - Difficulties are because of our sins.. - For who is difficulties an Azaab? - Eg on incidents after watching TV - Take the…
Majlis/Zikr - Lauduim, After Isha
Majlis/Zikr - Lauduim, After Isha
Majlis/Zikr - Roshnee, After Isha
Majlis/Zikr - Azaadville, After Isha
Present misuse of 3 things: Taweez