The so-called “Superpowers” of this world prove their weakness because they depend on other powers and forces for assistance. They join forces; they require coalitions, alliances, confederations, leagues and unions —which prove their dependency and need.
The Only Superpower is Allah Ta’ala, who is entirely independent of His creation. He is not in need of any of us.
All are dependent on Him, and He is Independent of all. He is “As-Samad” (The Independent), “Al-Kabir” (The Greatest), and “Al-Qadir” (All-Powerful). Allah Ta’ala’s armies testify to His Infinite Power and Might.
We have witnessed the force and power of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, gale-force winds, fire and volcanoes. Even rain and snow bring a grinding halt to the running of a country: cars, buses, trains, planes, etc., come to an absolute standstill – and nothing can be done for hours and days. Despite the country being a so-called superpower, its army, navy, airforce, etc., become ineffective in overcoming these forces.
What we see of the force and power in nature are signs of the Power and Might of Allah Ta’ala.